



序号 论文题目 刊名,年月,卷(期):起止页码 作者 刊物类别 年度
1 Concise synthesis of pyrrolo[2,3-d] pyrimidine derivatives via the Cu-Catalyzed coupling reaction Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews,2017,10(1):42-47 Wang Leilei, Zheng Liwen, Kong Xue, Zhang Wen, Chen Guanhong, Wang Jianing SCI 2017
2 Cadmium transfer from contaminated soils to the human body through rice consumption in southern Jiangsu Province, China Environmental Science Processes Impacts,2017, 19, 843-850. Tianyuan Li, Qing Chang, Xuyin Yuan, Jizhou Li, Godwin A. Ayoko, Ray L. Frost, Hongyan Chen, Xinjian Zhang, Yinxian Song, Wenzhi Song. SCI 2017
3 Residual levels of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethanes (DDTs) in marine environment media of Minjiang Estuary, southeast China. Fresenius environmental bulletin, 2017, 26, 1595-1606 Jizhou Li, Tianyuan Li, Changping Mao, Yinxian Song. SCI 2017
4 Selection of reliable reference genes for gene expression studies in
Trichoderma afroharzianum LTR-2 under oxalic acid stress
Journal of Microbiological Methods141:28-31 Yuping Lyua,b,#, Xiaoqing Wub,#, He Rena,b, Fangyuan Zhoub, Hongzi Zhoub, Xinjian Zhangb,*,Hetong Yangb SCI 2017
5 Volatiles produced by bacteria alleviate antagonistic effects of one associated fungus on Dendroctonus valens larvae Science China Life Sciences47:1-3 Shanshan Wang, Fangyuan Zhou, Bo Wang, Dandan Xu, Qingjie Cao, Min Lu, Jianghua Sun. SCI 2017
6 Colonization of plant roots and enhanced atrazine degradation by a strain of Arthrobacter ureafaciens Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology101(17):6809–6820 Dmitry P. Bazhanov *,Kai Yang*, Hongmei Li,Chengyun Li,Jishun Li,
Xiangfeng Chen, Hetong Yang
SCI 2017
7 Probing the essence of strong interaction in oily sludge with thermodynamic analysis Separation and Purification Technology 187 (2017) 84–90 Zhiheng Li a, Pingping Wua,, Xulian Hou a, Dong Liu a,, Jianing Wangb, Bin Lou a, Xue Kong b SCI 2017
8 Bacterial volatile ammonia regulates the consumption sequence of d-pinitol and d-glucose in a fungus associated with an invasive bark beetle The ISME Journal 20177 11, 2809–2820 Fangyuan Zhou, Letian Xu, Shanshan Wang, Bo Wang, Qiaozhe Lou, Min Lu, Jianghua Sun SCI 2017
9 Resistance of Garlic Cultivars to Bradysia odoriphaga and Its Correlation with Garlic Thiosulfinates Scientific Reports,20177月,7:3249. Guodong Zhu, Yin Luo,Ming Xue, Fangyuan Zhou,Haipeng Zhao,Guixia Ji,Fang Liu SCI 2017
10 Selection of reliable reference genes for gene expression studies in Botrytis
Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2017,142: 71-75 He Rena,b,#, Xiaoqing Wub,#, Yuping Lyua,b, Hongzi Zhoub, Xueying Xieb, Xinjian Zhangb,*,
Hetong Yang
SCI 2017
11 Bentonite-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron granulated electrodes for industrial wastewater remediation RSC advances 迟泽旭(),王振,楚焕庆() SCI II区(理) 2017
12 Progress of air-breathing cathode in microbial fuel cells Journal of Power Sources 王泽杰,Gurumurthy Dummi Mahadevan(),吴仪诚(),赵峰() SCI(理),I区(理) 2017
13 Dinoflagellate cyst abundance is positively correlated to sediment organic carbon in Sydney Harbour and Botany Bay, NSW, Australia Environmental Science and Pollution Research 田昌,Martina A. Doblin(),Katherine A. Dafforn(),Emma L. Johnston(),Haiyan Pei(),Wenrong Hu() SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2017
14 Removal of hexavalent Chromium from contaminated water by Chinese herb-extraction residues Water Air and Soil Pollution 陈淑君(),张记市,张惠雯(),王西奎 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2017
15 Synergistic effects of anaerobic digestion from sewage sludge with lime mud. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 张记市,姚晨(),郑鹏伟(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2017
16 Improvement of hydrogen production from glucose by ferrous iron and biochar Bioresource Technology 张记市,范传芳(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2017
17 Preparation of organosolv lignin-stabilized nano zero-valent iron and its application as granular electrode in the tertiary treatment of pulp and paper wastewater Chemical engineering journal 王振,刘玉,杨桂花 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2017
18 Removal behaviors and mechanisms of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution by cephalosporin residue and derived chars Bioresource Technology 张记市,陈淑君(),张惠雯(),王西奎 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2017
19 Preparation and characterization of polymer coated Fe3O4 magnetic flocculant Separation Science and Technology 王晨,王亚军(),欧阳志周,申婷婷,王西奎 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2017
20 Phytoplankton functional groups variation and influencing factors in a shallow temperate lake Water Environment Research 田昌,Daping Hao(),Haiyan Pei(),Martina A. Doblin(),Ying Ren(),Jielin Wei(),Yawei Feng() SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2017
21 Degradation of 2,4-dichloriohenol by melamine amine cellulose-immobilized laccase Tappi Journal 王振 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2017
22 Supercapacitive performance of porous carbon materials derived from tree leaves J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 马洪芳,Zhibao Liu(),Xiaodan Wang(),Changcun Zhang(),Rongyan Jiang() SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2017
23 Purification, Analysis and Surfactant Synthesis of Waste Cooking Oil Tenside Surfactants Detergents 王晨,申婷婷,王西奎(),王亚军() SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2017
24 immobilization of heavy metals in sewage sludge during land application process in China: a review sustainability 张旋,王宪庆(),王东芳() SCI(理),VI区(理) 2017
25 Study on passivation of heavy metals in sewage sludge with fly ash Earth and Environmental Science 王东芳(),王宪庆(),李凌旭(),张旋 EI(理) 2018
26 秸秆基碳材料在Li2SO4 电解液中的电化学性能 化工学报 陈张豪(),马洪芳,朱汉飞 EI(理),EI(理工) 2018
27 Fenton Oxidation of different molecular Polyethylene Glycol Model Wastewater materials science and engineering 陈侠 EI(理工),EI(国际会议)(理) 2018
28 Study on the effect of electrocatalytic oxidation treatment of 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol MATEC Web of Conferences 蒋文强,李亚玲() EI(理工),EI(国际会议)(理) 2018
29 Study on the effect of electrochemical treatment of nicosulfuron wastewater MATEC Web of Conferences 蒋文强,赵瑞() EI(理工),EI(国际会议)(理) 2018
30 Effects of the herbicide on the weed seed banks of the maize farmlands under different managements 葛秀丽,王能伟(),刘中南(),张旋 EI(理工),EI(理) 2018
31 Gut microbiota in an invasive bark beetle infected by a pathogenic fungus accelerates beetle mortality Journal of Pest Science 徐乐天,邓俊单,周方园 SCI 2018
32 Targeted cowpea chlorotic mottle virus-based nanoparticles with tumor-homing peptide F3 for photothermal therapy Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Yuanzheng Wu,Jishun Li,Hetong Yang,Jihyoun Seoung,Ho-Dong Lim,Geun-Joong Kim,Hyun-Jae Shin SCI 2018
33 Trichoderma cyanodichotomus sp. nov., a new soil-inhabiting species with a potential for biological control Canadian Journal Of Microbiology 李纪顺,吴远征,陈凯,王贻莲,扈进冬,魏艳丽,杨合同 SCI 2018
34 Bacterial volatile ammonia regulates the consumption sequence of D-pinitol and D-glucose in a fungus associated with an invasive bark beetle The ISME Journal 周方园,徐乐天,王闪闪,王波,娄巧哲,鲁敏,孙江华 SCI 2018
35 Gut Bacterial Communities of Dendroctonus valens and Monoterpenes and Carbohydrates of Pinus tabuliformis at Different Attack Densities to Host Pines Frontiers in Microbiology 胥丹丹,徐乐天(并一),周方园(并一),王波,王闪闪,鲁敏,孙江华 SCI 2018
36 Repressed Beauveria bassiana infections in Delia antiqua due to associated microbiota Pest Management Science 周方园,吴晓青,徐乐天,郭书海,陈贯虹,张新建 SCI 2018
37 基于水稻籽实内可给态重金属元素的不确定性健康风险评价 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 李天元,宋垠先,袁旭音,李继洲,季峻峰,傅晓文,张强,郭书海 SCI 2018
38 Novel Bacillus cereus strain from electrokinetically remediated saline soil towards the remediation of crude oil Environmental Science and Pollution Research 高永超,郭书海,王加宁,张闻,陈贯虹,王惠,杜建华,刘艳菊,Ravi Naidu SCI 2018
39 Occurrence, sources and health risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils around oil wells in the border regions between oil fields and suburbs Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety 傅晓文,李天元,季蕾,王磊磊,郑立稳,王加宁,张强 SCI 2018
40 Fusarium solani Infection Depressed Photosystem Performance by Inducing Foliage Wilting in Apple Seedlings Frontiers in Plant Science 颜坤,韩广轩,任承钢,赵世杰,吴晓青,边甜甜 SCI 2018
41 闽江入海口环境介质中六六六和DDT的时空分布研究 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 李继洲,李天元,茅昌平,宋垠先 SCI 2018
42 Effects of limestone powders on pore structure and physiological characteristics of planting concrete with sulfoaluminate cement Construction and Building Materials Chenchen Gong,Xiangming Zhou,Lei Ji,Wenyan Dai,Lingchao Lu,Xin Cheng SCI 2018
43 Pollution data analysis and characteristics of volatile organic compounds in the environment E3S Web of Conferences 38 王旗(),王琛 SCI(理),EI(国际会议)(理) 2018
44 Enhancement of solubility and biohydrogen production from sewage sludge with lime mud filtrate Water Air & Soil Pollution 张记市,姚晨(),范传芳() SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2018
45 Preparation and properties of cryogel based on poly(hydroxypropyl methacrylate) Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 翟孟凡(),马烽,李俊英,万斌彬(),于宁() SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2018
46 Preparation of quaternary amine-grafted organosolv lignin biosorbent and its application in the treatment of hexavalent chromium polluted water International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 王振,黄文秀(),宾萍萍(),张旋,杨桂花 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2018
47 Polarized electrode enhances biological direct interspecies electron transfer for methane production in upflow anaerobic bioelectrochemical reactor Chemosphere 冯庆,Young-Chae Song(),Kyuseon Yoo(),Nanthakumar Kuppanan(),Sanjukta Subudhi(),Banwari Lal() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2018
48 A high-resolution emission inventory of anthropogenic trace elements in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region of China Atmospheric Environment 朱传勇,田贺忠(),郝岩(),高佳佳(),郝吉明(),王勇(),滑申冰(),王堃(),刘桓嘉() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2018
49 Graphene as a fluorescence quencher in quantitative real-time polymerase Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 姬丹丹,臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2018
50 Ferric oxide/carbon nanoparticles enhanced bio-hydrogen production from glucose International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 张记市,范传芳(),张惠雯(),王泽杰,张俊杰,宋明明 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2018
51 Recent achievements in enhancing anaerobic digestion with carbon-based functional materials Bioresource Technology 张记市,赵文谦(),张惠雯(),王泽杰,Chuanfang Fan(),臧立华() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2018
52 Electroactive microorganisms in bulk solution contribute significantly to methane production in bioelectrochemical anaerobic reactor Bioresource Technology 冯庆,Young-Chae Song(),Yongtae Ahn() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2018
53 The growth and lipid accumulation of Scenedesmus quadricauda during batch mixotrophic/heterotrophic cultivation using xylose as a carbon source Bioresource Technology 宋明明,裴海燕() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2018
54 Synergistic passivation of fly ash and TMT on heavy metals in sewage sludge sustainability 王东芳(),李士贺(),王宪庆(),李凌旭(),张旋 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2018
55 Preparation and Performance of Polyvinyl Butyral Nanofiber Membrane for Lipase Immobilization Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 董玉欢(),马烽 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2018
56 Synthesis and characterization of magnetic poly (acrylamide-co-maleic anhydride) grafted gelatin as a novel heavy metal ions wastewater treatment agent Desalination and Water Treatment 顾宁(),王晨,张俊杰,申婷婷 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2018
57 Preparation and properties of hexadecanol-stearic acid/bamboo charcoal composite Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects 吴希杰(),李俊英,马烽 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2018
58 Preparation and properties of hexadecanol-stearic Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects 吴希杰(),李俊英,马烽 SCI论文,VI区(理),SCI(理) 2018
59 Preparation and properties of hexadecanol-stearic acid/bamboo charcoal composite Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects 吴希杰(),李俊英,马烽 SCI(理)VI区(理),D类学术期刊(), 2018
60 Trichoderma biodiversity in major ecological systems of China Journal of Microbiology (2019) Vol. 57, No. 8, pp. 668–675 Kai Dou, Jinxin Gao, Chulong Zhang,Hetong Yang, Xiliang Jiang, Jishun Li,Yaqian Li, Wei Wang, Hongquan Xian,Shigui Li, Yan Liu, Jindong Hu,Jie Chen EI 2019
61 Design of a high efficiency electro-Fenton system with Earth and Environmental Science 周茂娟 EI(理工),EI(国际会议)(理) 2019
62 Removal of chromium (VI) from water by porous carbon derived from corn straw: Influencing factors, regeneration and mechanism Journal of Hazardous Materials 马洪芳,杨娟娟(),高翔,刘志宝,刘鑫鑫(),许朝贵() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2019
63 原位功能化离子液体负载多孔材料的H2S捕集能力 齐鲁工业大学学报 马云倩 EI(理工),核心期刊 2019
64 A simple self-adjusting model for correcting the blooming effects in DMSP-OLS nighttime light images Remote Sensing of Environment 曹鑫(),胡杨(),朱孝林(),石峰,卓莉(),陈晋() SCI(理)I区(理) 2019
65 Effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on pyrene adsorption and desorption in soils Chemosphere201904 221203-211 张闻,卢媛 ,孙红文,张艳伟,周萌,宋琪,高永超 SCI 2019
66 Gut microbiota in an invasive bark beetle infected by a pathogenic fungus accelerates beetle mortality[J]. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE2019,921:343-351.(IF:5.133) Letian XuJundan DengFangyuan ZhouChihang ChengLongwa ZhangJiang ZhangMin Lu. SCI 2019
67 Dual effects of biochar and hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. on the remediation of Cd-contaminated soil. Peer J, 2019, 7: e6631. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.6631 Kang Li, Baoshan Yang, Hui Wang, Xiaohan Xu, Yongchao Gao, Yidan Zhu. SCI 2019
68 Feedback of airborne bacterial consortia to haze pollution with different PM2.5 levels in typical mountainous terrain of Jinan, China[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 695: 133912-133925. IF 5.589 Ji, L., Zhang, Q.*, Fu, X.W., Zheng, L.W., Dong, J.Y., Wang, J.N., Guo, S.H. SCI 2019
69 Enzyme cocktail containing NADH regeneration system for efficient bioremediation of oil sludge contamination. Chemosphere, 2019, 233: 132-139. IF 5.108 Ji, L., Fu, X.W., Wang, M.T., Xu, C., Chen, G.H., Song, F.Y., Guo, S.H., Zhang, Q.* SCI 2019
70 Article PubReader PDF–561KCitation Transcriptional responses of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae to type III secretion system inhibitor BMC Microbiol. 2019; 19: 163. Published online 2019 Jul 15. doi: 10.1186/s12866-019-1532-5 Susu Fan, Fang Tian, Liwei Fang, Ching-Hong Yang, Chenyang He SCI 2019
71 First Report of Botryosphaeria dothidea Causing Canker on Cotinus coggygria in China PEST Disease VOLUME 103, NUMBER 10 October 2019
S. S. Fan, Y. J. Huang, X. J. Zhang, G. H. Chen, J. Zhou, X. Li, and M. Z. Han SCI 2019
72 Repressed Beauveria bassiana infections in Delia antiqua due to associated microbiota Pest Management Science. 2019, 75:170-179. Zhou Fangyuan,Wu, Xiaoqing,Xu Letian,
Guo Shuhai
Chen Guanhong
Zhang Xinjian
SCI 2019
73 Effects of freshwater inputs on soil quality in the Yellow River Delta, China Ecological Indicators 98 (2019) 619–626 Qingqing Zhaoa, Junhong Baib,⁎, Yongchao Gaoa, Haixiao Zhaoa, Yujie Huanga, Wen Zhanga,Jianing Wanga, Guanhong Chena SCI 2019
74 Arsenic and heavy metals pollution along a salinity gradient in drained coastal wetland soils: Depth distributions, sources and toxic risks Ecological Indicators 96 (2019) 91–98 Junhong Baia,b,⁎,1, Qingqing Zhaob,1, Wei Wanga, Xin Wanga, Jia Jiaa, Baoshan Cuia, Xinhui Liuc SCI 2019
75 Soil organic carbon content and stock in wetlands with different hydrologic conditions in the Yellow River Delta, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology xxx (xxxx) xxx Qingqing Zhao a , b , Junhong Bai b , , Xin Wang b , Wen Zhang a , Yujie Huang a Q1 ,Leilei Wang a , Yongchao Gao SCI 2019
76 Bacterial Succession in Salt Marsh Soils Along a Short-term Invasion Chronosequence of Spartina alterniflora in the Yellow River Estuary, China soil microbiology zhao Qingqing 3 SCI 2019
77 Large-scale Trichoderma diversity was associated with ecosystem, climate and geographic location Environmental Microbiology2019doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14798 扈进冬,周意,陈凯,李纪顺,魏艳丽,王贻莲,吴远征,Maarten Ryder,杨合同,Matthew Denton SCI 2019
78 Adsorption and regeneration of leaf-based biochar for p-nitrophenol adsorption from aqueous solution RSC Advances 马洪芳,许朝贵(),王文语,高翔,马惠芳 SCI(理),III区(理) 2019
79 3D hierarchically gold-nanoparticle-decorated porous carbon for high-performance supercapacitors Scientific Reports 马洪芳,陈张豪(),高翔,刘文斐(),朱汉飞 SCI(理),III区(理) 2019
80 Engineering the Dimensional Interface of BiVO4-2D Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) Nanocomposite for Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Performance Nanomaterials 孙静,王春晓(),申婷婷,宋泓辰(),李丹琪(),赵汝松,王西奎 SCI(理),II区(理) 2019
81 Influence of reaction media on synthesis of dialdehyde cellulose/GO composites and their adsorption performances on heavy metals carbohydrate polymers 王振,杨桂花,刘玉,李书平 SCI(理),I区(理) 2019
82 A GmSIN1/GmNCED3s/GmRbohBs Feed-Forward Loop Acts as a Signal Amplifier That Regulates Root Growth in Soybean Exposed to Salt Stress PLANT CELL 姬丹丹 SCI(理),I区(理) 2019
83 Preparation of cellulose-base amphoteric flocculant and its application in the treatment of wastewater Carbohydrate Polymers 王振,黄文秀(),杨桂花,刘玉,刘赛() SCI(理),I区(理) 2019
84 Preparation of dialdehyde cellulose grafted graphene oxide composite and its adsorption behavior for heavy metals from aqueous solution Carbohydrate polymers 姚明君(),王振,刘玉,杨桂花,陈嘉川 SCI(理),I区(理) 2019
85 Global anthropogenic atmospheric emission inventory of twelve typical hazardous trace elements, 1995–2012 Atmospheric Environment 朱传勇 SCI(理),SCI论文 2019
86 The innovative application of organosolv lignin for nanomaterial modification to boost its heavy metal detoxification performance in the aquatic environment Chemical Engineering Journal 王振 SCI(理),SCI论文 2019
87 Leaching Characteristics of Heavy Metals and Plant Nutrients in the Sewage Sludge Immobilized by Composite Phosphorus-Bearing Materials International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 李士贺(),房百惠(),王东芳(),王宪庆(),满孝兵(),张旋 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2019
88 Preparation and photocatalytic performance of tungstovanadophosphoric heteropoly acid salts RSC Advance 姬丹丹,薛嵘,周茂娟,臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2019
89 Comparison of Structural Characteristics of Straw Lignins by Alkaline and Enzymatic Hydrolysis BioResources 金娣(),董维芳,张海涛,慈玉辉(),侯立鹏(),臧立华,孔凡功 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2019
90 Maize production and field CO2 emission under different straw return rates in Northeast China Plant soil and environment 姜春明,宇万太() SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2019
91 Glucose Modification of Titania for Enhanced Photodegradation of Organic Azo Dye Science of Advanced Materials 申婷婷,管凯(),孙静,王晨,王轶男,王西奎 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2019
92 Immobilization of Functionalized Ionic Liquid on Sol-Gel Derived Silica for Efficient Removal of H2S China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology 马云倩,臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2019
93 Synthesis and characterization of L-arginine/Fe3O4 adsorbent for the removal of methyl orange from aqueous solutions ionics 郭双祯 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2019
94 Combined influence of external nitrogen and soil contact on plant residue decomposition and indications from stable isotope signatures Environmental science and pollution research 姜春明,宇万太() SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2019
95 Study on Electrochemical Degradation of Nicosulfuron by IrO2-Based DSA Electrodes: Performance, Kinetics, and Degradation Mechanism international journal of environmental research and public health 赵瑞(),张旋,陈凡立(),满孝兵(),蒋文强 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2019
96 Improving bio-H2 production by manganese doped magnetic carbon International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 张记市,范传芳(),赵文谦(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2019
97 Comparison of sodium lignosulfonate and derived biochar for influencing methane bioevolution Energy & Fuels 张记市,赵蕾(),于斐,臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2019
98 Improved fermentative hydrogen production with the addition of calcium-lignosulfonate-derived biochar Energy & Fuels 赵蕾(),张记市,赵文谦(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2019
99 Enhanced current production of the anode modified by microalgae derived nitrogen-rich biocarbon for microbial fuel cells International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 冯庆 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2019
100 The relative importance of influence factors to field soil respiration is shifted by straw incorporations: comprehensive analysis of the seasonal variability Journal of soils and sediments 姜春明,宇万太() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2019
101 Spatiotemporal Variations of Ambient Concentrations of Trace Elements in a Highly Polluted Region of China Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 朱传勇 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2019
102 Influence of the temperature and hydraulic retention time in bioelectrochemical anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 冯庆,Young-Chae Song(),Dong-Hyun Kim(),Mi-Sun Kim(),Dong-Hoon Kim() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2019
103 Polymerized Titanium Salts for Algae-Laden Surface Water Treatment and the Algae-Rich Sludge Recycle toward Chromium and Phenol Degradation from Aqueous Solution ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 迟元彤(),田昌,李海波(),赵艳侠() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2019
104 Synergetic promotion of direct interspecies electron transfer for syntrophic metabolism of propionate and butyrate with graphite felt in anaerobic digestion Bioresource Technology 张明远(),马云倩,姬丹丹,李雪园(),张记市,臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2019
105 Changes in bacterial community structure and humic acid composition in response to enhanced extracellular electron transfer process in coastal sediment Archives of Microbiology 王泽杰 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2019
106 Improving biohydrogen evolution from glucose with magnetic activated carbon Water Air and Soil Pollution 范传芳(),张记市,臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2019
107 Zeolite Supported Ionic Liquid Improved by Cyclodextrins for Efficient Removal Capacity of H2S Chemistry Letters 马云倩 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2019
108 A laboratory study of the presence and transformation of dissolved Environmental Earth Sciences 陈蕾,张俊杰,郑西来() SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2019
109 A simple route for hierarchically porous carbon derived from corn straw for supercapacitor application Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 马洪芳,陈张豪(),王晓丹(),刘志宝,刘鑫鑫() SCI(理),VI区(理) 2019
110 TiO2 Assisted Photocatalytic Decomposition of 2-Chloronaphthalene on Iron Nanoparticles in Aqueous Systems: Synergistic Effect and Intermediate Products Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 齐吉朋(),王晨,孙静,李书平 SCI论文,VI区(理),SCI(理) 2019
111 Carbon-based electrode fabrication and performance of bioelectrochemical anaerobic digestion for sewage sludge Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineerin 冯庆,安政恺(),赵汝松,王晓利,李俊(),Young-Chae Song() EI(理工),一般期刊,EI(国际会议)(理) 2020
112 The preceding root system drives the composition and function of the rhizosphere microbiome Genome Biology,2020 Apr 6;21(1):89. doi: 10.1186/s13059-020-01999-0 Yi Zhou, David R. Coventry, Vadakattu V. S. R. Gupta, David Fuentes, Andrew Merchant, Brent N. Kaiser, Jishun Li, Yanli Wei, Huan Liu, Yayu Wang, Shuheng Gan & Matthew D. Denton
SCI 2020
113 Near-complete genomes of two Trichoderma species: a resource for biological control of plant pathogens Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions2020338),1036-1039doi/10.1094/MPMI-03-20-0076-A Yi Zhou, Yilian WangKai ChenYuanzheng WuJindong Hua, Yanli Weia,Jishun Liab*, Hetong Yangab, Maarten Ryderab ,Matthew D Dentonab SCI 2020
114 Alginate-Derived Elicitors Enhance β-Glucan Content and Antioxidant Activities in Culinary and Medicinal Mushroom, Sparassis latifolia Journal of Fungi2020, 6(2), 92; https://doi.org/10.3390/ jof6020092 Yong-Woon Kim, Yuanzheng Wu, Moon-Hee Choi, Hyun-Jae Shin, Jishun Li SCI 2020
115 Trichoderma harzianum Inoculation Reduces the Incidence of Clubroot Disease in Chinese Cabbage by Regulating the Rhizosphere Microbial Community Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1325; doi:10.3390/microorganisms8091325 Junhui Li, Joshua Philp, Jishun Li, Yanli Wei, Hongmei Li, Kai Yang,Maarten Ryder, Ruey Toh, Yi Zhou, Matthew D. Denton, Jindong Hu*and Yan Wang* SCI 2020
116 Biological control of postharvest fungal decays in citrus: a review Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 09 Oct 2020.https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2020.1829542 Zhenshuo Wang , Yuan Sui , Jishun Li , Xiaoli Tian & Qi Wang SCI 2020
117 Nitrifying Microbes in the Rhizosphere of Perennial Grasses are Modified by Biological Nitrification Inhibition Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1687doi:10.3390/microorganisms8111687 Yi Zhou , Christopher J. Lambrides, Jishun Li*, Qili Xu , Ruey Toh, Shenzhong Tian,Peizhi Yang, Hetong Yang, Maarten Ryder and Matthew D. Denton SCI 2020
118 Metabolic Engineering of Pseudomonas chlororaphis Qlu‑1 for the Enhanced Production of Phenazine-1-carboxamide Journal of agriculture and food chemistry2020.6850:14832-14840 Ling Li, Zhenghua Li, Wentao Yao, Xuehong Zhang, Ruiming Wang, Piwu Li, Kai Yang, Tengfei Wang,*
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119 Large-scale Trichoderma diversity was associated with ecosystem, climate and geographic location Environmental Microbiology2020.223):1011-1024 扈进冬,周意,陈凯,李纪顺,魏艳丽,王贻莲,吴远征,Maarten Ryder,杨合同,Matthew Denton SCI 2020
120 Alterations of bacterial and archaeal communities by freshwater input in coastal wetlands of the Yellow River Delta, China APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY 2020 153, 103581. Zhao, Q., Zhao, H., Gao, Y., Zheng, L., Wang, J., Bai, J. SCI 2020
121 Shifts of soil bacterial community along a salinity gradient in the Yellow River Delta. Land Degradation and Development.2020 DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3594 Zhao, Q., Bai, J., Gao, Y., Zhao, H., Cui, B. SCI 2020
122 Salt stress alters the short-term responses of nitrous oxide emissions to the nitrogen addition in salt-affected coastal soils SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Jia Jia, Junhong Bai, Wei Wang,Shuo Yin, Guangliang Zhang, Qingqing Zhao,Xin Wang, Xinhui Liu, Baoshan Cui SCI 2020
123 Coupled effect of colloids and surface chemical heterogeneity on the transport of antibiotics in porous media Science of the Total Environment,2020,713,136644 Xing Yingna,Chen Xin,Wagner Regan E,Zhuang Jie,Chen Xijuan SCI 2020
124 Different transport behaviors and mechanisms of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in saturated porous media Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020,402,123435 Xing Yingna,Li Qi,Chen Xin,Fu Xiaowen,Ji Lei,Wang Jianing,Li Tianyuan,Zhang Qiang SCI 2020
125 Ceramsite vegetated concrete with water and fertilizer conservation and
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126 Symbiotic Bacterium-Derived Organic Acids Protect Delia antiqua Larvae from Entomopathogenic Fungal Infection mSystems,2020.11,5(6) Fangyuan Zhou, Letian Xu, Xiaoqing Wu, Xiaoyan Zhao, Mei Liu, Xinjian Zhang SCI 2020
127 GEOCHEMICAL PARTITION OF HEAVY METALS IN AQUATIC SYSTEM AND ECOSYSTEMATIC RISK ASSESSMENT Fresenius environmental bulletin, 2020, 29(11): 9708-9721. Jizhou Li, Chunjun Tao, Tianyuan Li*, Yuanyuan Wang, Yinxian Song SCI 2020
128 A novel, recyclable magnetic biochar modified by chitosan–EDTA for the effective removal of Pb( ii ) from aqueous solution[J] RSC Advances, 10: 40196-40205 Liwen Zheng, Yongchao Gao, Jianhua Du,Wen Zhang, Yujie Huang, Leilei Wang, Qingqing Zhao, Xiangliang Pan SCI 2020
129 Solid-phase microextraction using a bketoenamine-linked covalent organic framework coating for efficient enrichment of synthetic musks in water samples Analytical Methods 2020, 12, 2434–2442 Lian Wen, Peng Wu*, Lei-Lei Wang*, Li-Zong Chen, Ming-Lin Wang, Xia Wang, Jin-Ming Lin, Ru-Song Zhao SCI 2020
130 Experimental study on co-combustion of low rank coal semicoke and oil sludge by TG-FTIR Waste Management 2020, 116, 91-99. Ruidong Zhao*, Jianguang Qin, Tianju Chen, Leilei Wang, Jinhu Wu* SCI 2020
131 Room-temperature synthesis of amino-functionalized magnetic covalent organic frameworks for efficient extraction of perfluoroalkyl acids in environmental water samples Journal of Hazardous Materials Yuan-Yue Lu, Xiao-Li Wang, Lei-Lei Wang*, Wen Zhang, Jinjian Wei, Jin-Ming Lin, Ru-Song Zhao* SCI 2020
132 Quantification of Trichoderma afroharzianum, Trichoderma harzianum and Trichoderma gamsii inoculants in soil, the wheat rhizosphere and in planta suppression of the crown rot pathogen Fusarium pseudograminearum Journal of Applied Microbiology B.E. Stummer1 , Q. Zhang2, X. Zhang3, R.A. Warren1 and P.R. Harvey1,3 SCI 2020
133 Quantification of Pseudomonas protegens FD6 and Bacillus subtilis NCD-2 in soil and the wheat rhizosphere and suppression of root pathogenic Rhizoctonia solani AG-8 Biological Control. Accept. Zhang Q, Stummer B, Guo Q, Zhang W, Zhang X, Zhang L, Harvey P. SCI 2020
134 The effects of high-density polyethylene and polypropylene microplastics on the soil and earthworm Metaphire guillelmi gut microbiota Chemosphere, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.chemosphere. 2020. 129219. Cheng, Y.,Song, W., Tian, H., Zhang, K., Li, B., Du, Z., Zhang, W., Wang, J., Wang, J., Zhu, L. SCI 2020
135 Pollution assessment and health risk evaluation of eight (metalloid) heavy metals in farmland soil of 146 cities in China Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3949–3963 Anwar Mamat . Zhaoyong Zhang . Zulpiya Mamat . Fang Zhang .Chen Yinguang SCI 2020
136 Current research and perspective of microplastics (MPs) in soils (dusts), rivers (lakes), and marine environments in China Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2020,202(1)110976 ZhaoyongZhang,Zulpiya·Mamat,YinguangChen SCI 2020
137 Factors affecting the transport of petroleum colloids in saturated porous media. Colloids and Surfaces A.,2020585124134 Ying Wang,, Taotao Luc, Haojing Zhang, Yanxiang Li, Yumeng Song, Jiuyan Chen, Xiaowen Fu, Zhichong Qi*, Qiang zhang* SCI 2020
138 Effect of an Electro-Fenton Process on the Biodegradation of Lignin by Trametes versicolor BioResources 姬丹丹 SCI(理),III区(理) 2020
139 The Synergistic Action of Electro-Fenton and White-Rot Fungi in the Degradation of Lignin Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 姬丹丹,臧立华 SCI(理),III区(理) 2020
140 Performance of L-Cu&Mn-nZVI@B nanomaterial on nitrate selective reduction under UV irradiation and persulfate activation in the presence of oxalic acid Journal of hazardous materials 王振,陈广辉(),王心睿(),杨桂花 SCI(理),I区(理) 2020
141 Removal of hexavalent chromium by bentonite supported organosolv lignin-stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles from wastewater journal of cleaner production 王振,陈广辉(),王心睿(),李书平,刘玉,杨桂花 SCI(理),I区(理),A类学术期刊(文) 2020
142 Non-Negligible Stack Emissions of Noncriteria Air Pollutants from Coal-Fired Power Plants in China: Condensable Particulate Matter and Sulfur Trioxide Environmental Science & Technology 朱传勇 SCI(理),SCI论文 2020
143 Efficient Adsorption of Hydrogen Sulfide at Room Temperature Using Fumed Silica-supported Deep Eutectic Solvents Aerosol and Air Quality Research 毛家明(),马云倩,臧立华,薛嵘,肖聪(),姬丹丹 SCI(理),SCI论文 2020
144 Advanced bioH2 and bioCH4 production with cobalt-doped magnetic carbon RSC Advances 张记市,赵文谦(),范传芳(),李文青(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2020
145 Effect of sulfate removal in a high sulfate volumetric loading micro-aerobic bio-reactor and study of subsequent bio-sulfur adsorption by iron- modified activated carbon RSC Advances 刘子玉(),薛嵘,马云倩,臧立华,庄笳盛(),逯广颂() SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2020
146 Trimesoyl Chloride-Melamine Copolymer-TiO2 Nanocomposites as High-Performance Visible-Light Photocatalysts for Volatile Organic Compound Degradation Catalysts 张璐千(),王晨,孙静,安政凯() SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2020
147 Comparison of calcium oxide and calcium peroxide pretreatments of wheat straw for improving biohydrogen production ACS Omega 张记市,孔春朵(),杨梦琛(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2020
148 Highly efficient and selective removal of cadmium from aqueous solutions based on magnetic graphitic carbon nitride materials with molecularly imprinted polymers journal of molecular structure 郭双祯,李炟 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2020
149 Research on Forward Osmosis Membrane Technology Still Needs Improvement in Water Recovery and Wastewater Treatment Water 李莉,时文歆(),于水利() SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2020
150 Anatase TiO2 with Co-exposed (001) and (101) Surfaces-Based Photocatalytic Materials for Energy Conversion and Environmental Purification: A mini Review. Chemistry-An Asian Journal 孙晶晶(),孙静,王西奎 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2020
151 Alternanthera philoxeroides invasion affects the soil seed bank of reed community Liu Z , Ge X , Fu Z , et al. Alternanthera philoxeroides invasion affects the soil seed bank of reed community[J]. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2020:104196. 刘中南(),葛秀丽 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2020
152 Ship emission of nitrous acid (HONO) and its impacts on the marine atmospheric oxidation chemistry SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 孙雷,Tianshu Chen(),Ying Jiang(),Yang Zhou(),Lifang Sheng(),Jintai Lin(),Juan Li(),Can Dong(),王琛,Xinfeng Wang(),Qingzhu Zhang(),Wenxing Wang(),Likun Xue() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2020
153 Deriving emission fluxes of volatile organic compounds from tower observation in the Pearl River Delta, China Science of the Total Environment Ziwei Mo(),黄山(),袁斌(),Chenglei Pei(),Qicong Song(),Jipeng Qi(),Ming Wang(),王宝琳,王琛,Meng Li(),Qiang Zhang(),邵敏() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2020
154 Effects of Particle Size on the Structure and Photocatalytic Performance by Alkali-Treated TiO2 nanomaterials 李丹琪(),宋泓辰(),孟霞,申婷婷,孙静,韩文佳,王西奎 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2020
155 Influence of morphology and interfacial interaction of TiO2-Graphene nanocomposites on the visible light photocatalytic performance Journal of Solid State Chemistry 李丹琪(),孙静,申婷婷,宋泓辰(),刘久欣(),王晨,王西奎,赵汝松 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2020
156 Measurement report: Important contributions of oxygenated compounds to emissions and chemistry of volatile organic compounds in urban air Atmos. Chem. Phys. Caihong Wu(),Chaomin Wang(),Sihang Wang(),Wenjie Wang(),袁斌(),Jipeng Qi(),王宝琳,Hongli Wang(),王琛,Wei Song(),Xinming Wang(),Weiwei Hu(),Shengrong Lou(),Chenshuo Ye() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2020
157 Factors affecting the performance of forward osmosis treatment for oilfield produced water from surfactant-polymer flooding Journal of Membrane Science 李莉,时文歆(),臧立华,王晨,于水利() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2020
158 Measurements of higher alkanes using NO+ chemical ionization in PTR-ToF-MS: important contributions of higher alkanes to secondary organic aerosols in China Atmos. Chem. Phys. Chaomin Wan(),袁斌(),Caihong Wu(),Sihang Wang(),Jipeng Qi(),王宝琳,Zelong Wang(),Weiwei Hu(),Wei Chen(),Chenshuo Ye(),Wenjie Wang(),Yele Sun(),王琛,Shan Huang(),Wei Song() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2020
159 New ternary deep eutectic solvents for effective wheat straw deconstruction into its high-value utilization under near-neutral conditions Green Chemistry 慈玉辉(),于斐,周承轩(),莫号娥(),李祖钰(),马云倩,臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2020
160 Secondary effluent purification towards reclaimed water production through the hybrid post-coagulation and membrane distillation technology: A preliminary test Journal of Cleaner Production 刘潇(),田昌,孙文豪(),赵艳侠(),Kaimin Shih() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2020
161 Comparison of mesophilic and thermophilic biohydrogen production amended by nickel-doped magnetic carbon Journal of Cleaner Production 赵文谦(),张记市,张惠雯(),杨梦琛(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2020
162 Production of carbon-doped titanium dioxide (CeTiO2) from polytitanium-coagulated sludge as an adsorbent or photocatalyst for pollutant removals Journal of Cleaner Production 赵艳侠(),李晓岩(),田昌,王接喜() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2020
163 High Concentrations of Atmospheric Isocyanic Acid (HNCO) Produced from Secondary Sources in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Zelong Wang(),袁斌(),Chenshuo Ye(),James Roberts(),Armin Wisthaler(),Yi Lin(),Tiange Li(),Caihong Wu(),Yuwen Peng(),Chaomin Wang(),Sihang Wang(),Suxia Yang(),王宝琳,Jipeng Q(),王琛,Wei Song(),王宝琳 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2020
164 Recycling of titanium-coagulated algae-rich sludge for enhanced photocatalytic oxidation of phenolic contaminants through oxygen vacancy Water Research 赵艳侠(),迟元彤(),田昌,刘焱(),李海波(),王爱珠(),田昌 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2020
165 Effects of non-reducible dissolved solutes on reductive dechlorination of trichloroethylene by ball milled zero valent irons Journal of Hazardous Materials 巩莉(),吕能(),齐建龙(),邱晓江(),谷亚威,何锋() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2020
166 Influence of electrostatic field and conductive material on the direct interspecies electron transfer for methane production Environmental Research 冯庆,Young-Chae Song(),Jun Li(),王泽杰,吴芹 SCI(理)I区(理),A类学术期刊(文) 2020
167 Flocculation Performance and Kinetics of Magnetic Polyacrylamide Microsphere under Different Magnetic Field Strengths Journal of Chemistry 于文恬(),王晨,冯庆 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2020
168 Progress in Nitrogen Removal in Bioelectrochemical Systems Processes 孙进(),曹红瑞(),王泽杰 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2020
169 Al2O3 Nanoparticles Promote the Removal of Carbamazepine in Water by Chlorella vulgaris Immobilized in Sodium Alginate Gel Beads Journal of Chemistry 吴仪诚(),杨爱丽(),高伟(),傅海燕(),王泽杰 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2020
170 Burial depth of anode affected the bacterial community structure of sediment microbial fuel cells Environ. Eng. Res. Yi-cheng Wu(),Hong-jie Wu(),Hai-yan Fu(),Zhineng Dai(),王泽杰 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2020
171 Three-dimensional carbon-based anodes promoted the accumulation of exoelectrogens in bioelectrochemical systems Water Environment Research 吴仪诚(),贺光华(),陈水亮(),王泽杰 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2020
172 Response of Amorpha Fruticosa seedlings to drought and dewatering in arid and semi-arid environment Pakistan Journal of Botany 马惠芳 SCI(理),VI区(理) 2020
173 Bioelectrochemical Methane Production from Food Waste in Anaerobic Digestion Using a Carbon Modified Copper Foam Electrode Processes 安政恺(),冯庆,赵汝松,王晓利 SCI(理),VI区(理) 2020
174 Atmospheric Vanadium Emission Inventory from Both Anthropogenic and Natural Sources in China Environmental Science & Technology 朱传勇 SCI论文,SCI(理) 2020
175 Refined assessment of size-fractioned particulate matter (PM2.5 /PM10 /PMtotal ) emissions from coal-fired power plants in China Science of the Total Environment 朱传勇 SCI论文,SCI(理) 2020
176 Electric power generation from sediment microbial fuel cells with graphite rod array anode Environ. Eng. Res. 王泽杰 SCI论文,VI区(理),SCI(理) 2020
177 One-step hydrothermal synthesis of g-C3N4/TiO2/BiOBr layered hybrid photocatalyst with enhanced visible light degradation of tetracycline E3S Web of Conferences 李祖钰(),臧立华,李炟,郭双祯 EI(国际会议)(理),EI(理工) 2021
178 巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megateriumBMJBN02诱导葡萄抵御葡萄霜霉病的研究 植物病理学研究进展 谢雪迎,范素素,张广志,周方园,赵晓燕,吴晓青,周红姿,张新建 EI(理工) 2021
179 地衣芽孢杆菌BLc06对黄瓜霜霉病的防治作用 园艺学报 谢雪迎,张广志,范素素,周方园,赵晓燕,吴晓青,周红姿,张新建 EI(理工),核心期刊 2021
180 玉米穗腐病菌的拮抗菌筛选.鉴定及降解DON毒素能力测定 中国生物防治学报 周红姿,周方园,吴晓青,赵晓燕,谢雪迎,张广志,范素素,张新建 EI(理工),核心期刊 2021
181 模拟及实际根系分泌物对芘污染土壤微生物群落的影响 环境科学 韩博远(),张闻,胡芳雨(),赵庆庆,卢媛(),孔学,吕俊岗() EI(理工),核心期刊,EI(国际会议)(理) 2021
182 Bacterial community profile of the crude oil-contaminated saline soil in the Yellow River Delta Natural Reserve, China Chemosphere 高永超,袁丽媛,杜建华(),王惠(),杨晓东(),段璐淳(),Mezbaul(),赵庆庆,张闻,刘艳菊(),付朝阳,王玮,Ravi Naidu() SCI 2021
183 Variability in plant trace element uptake across different crops, soil contamination levels and soil properties in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of northwest China Scientific Reports Weiguo Liu, Xiaodong Yang, Luchun Duan, Ravi Naidu, Kaihong Yan, Yanju Liu,Xiyuan Wang, Yongchao Gao5 & Yinguang Chen SCI 2021
184 Co-inoculation of Trichoderma gamsii A5MH and Trichoderma harzianum Tr906 in wheat suppresses in planta abundance of the crown rot pathogen Fusarium pseudograminearum and impacts the rhizosphere soil fungal microbiome Biological Control Belinda E. StummerXinjian Zhang, Hetong Yang, Paul R. Harvey SCI(理) 2021
185 Infuence of C14 alkane stress on antioxidant defense capacity, mineral nutrient element accumulation, and cadmium uptake of ryegrass Environmental Science and Pollution Research 袁立竹(),郭鹏鸿(),郭书海(),王加宁,黄玉杰 SCI(理),E类学术期刊(文) 2021
186 Insights on the effects of ZnO nanoparticle exposure on soil heterotrophic respiration as revealed by soil microbial communities and activities Journal of Soils and Sediments 姜浩(),杨宝山(),王惠(),陈庆林(),曹鑫磊(),高永超,赵春晖(),尹可心() SCI(理),III区(理) 2021
187 Synergistic Improvement in Coating with UV Aging Resistance and Anti-Corrosion via La-Doped CeO2 Powders Coatings 田昂(),马腾达(),史晓国,王镝翔(),吴文远(),刘创伟(),裴文利() SCI(理),III区(理) 2021
188 Insights into the Mechanism of the Bi/BiVO4 Composites for Improved Photocatalytic Activity catalysts 宋泓辰(),孙静,申婷婷,邓浪(),王西奎 SCI(理),III区(理) 2021
189 Metagenomics analysis identifies nitrogen metabolic pathway in bioremediation of diesel contaminated soil Chemosphere 高永超,杜建华(),Mezbaul(),王惠(),Suresh(),段璐淳(),杨晓东(),Mallavarapu(),赵庆庆,张闻,刘艳菊(),王加宁,Ravi Naidu() SCI(理),II区(理) 2021
190 Influence of electrical fields enhanced phytoremediation of multi-metal contaminated soil on soil parameters and plants uptake in different soil sections Environmental Research 袁立竹(),郭鹏鸿(),郭书海(),王加宁,黄玉杰 SCI(理),II区(理) 2021
191 Soil metabolomics reveal complex interactions between Arthrobacter ureafaciens and Trichoderma harzianum when co-inoculated on wheat Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 杨凯,李红梅,李玲,扈进冬,魏艳丽,杨合同,Matthew D. Denton(),周易(),李纪顺 SCI(理),II区(理) 2021
192 Spatial ecological risk assessment for contaminated soil in oiled fields Journal of Hazardous Materials 吴波(),郭书海(),王加宁 SCI(理),I区(理) 2021
193 Different transport behaviors and mechanisms of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in saturated porous media Journal of Hazardous Materials 邢颖娜 SCI(理),I区(理) 2021
194 Insight into the inhibitory mechanism of inorganic ligands on the adsorption of tetracycline onto hematite Journal of Environmental Management 张强 SCI(理),I区(理) 2021
195 Genetic engineering of Pseudomonas chlororaphis Lzh-T5 to enhance production of trans-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxyanthranilic acid Sciencetific Report . 刘开泉,李玲,姚文涛(),王威(),黄玉杰,王瑞明,李丕武 SCI(理),I区,4.379 2021
196 First Report of Phytopythium helicoides Causing Stalk Rot on Corn in China Plant Disease 谢雪迎,周红姿,范素素,张新建 SCI(理),SCI论文 2021
197 First report on the occurrence of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 7 in teaplants JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY 谢雪迎 SCI(理),SCI论文 2021
198 Identification and characterization of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides sensu stricto, the agent of anthracnose disease of Sorbaria sorbifolia in China Journal of General Plant Pathology QingHai Wang(),XiangYing Li(),TingTing Xu(),MengAi Zhang(),YuHui Yang(),PeiBo Feng(),范素素,ZhenYu Liu() SCI(理),SCI论文 2021
199 Ammonia Fiber Expansion Combined with White Rot Fungi to Treat Lignocellulose for Cultivation of Mushrooms ACS Omega 姬丹丹 SCI(理),SCI论文 2021
200 Lateral flow strip biosensor based on streptavidin-coated gold nanoparticles with recombinase polymerase amplification for the quantitative point-of-care testing of Salmonella Microchemical Journal 姬丹丹 SCI(理),SCI论文 2021
201 One-Pot Synthesis of Nano CuO-ZnO Modified Hydrochar Derived from Chitosan and Starch for the H2S Conversion Catalysts 臧立华,周承轩(),董黎明(),王磊磊,毛家明(),吕晓珉(),薛嵘,马云倩 SCI(理),SCI论文 2021
202 Preparation of heterogeneous TiO2/g-C3N4 with a layered mosaic stack structure by use of montmorillonite as a hard template approach: TC degradation, kinetic, mechanism, pathway and DFT investigation Applied Clay Science 李祖钰(),贺进禄(),马惠芳,臧立华,李炟,郭双祯,慈玉辉() SCI(理),SCI论文 2021
203 Effects of Granular Activated Carbon and Fe-modified Granular Activated Carbon on Anammox Process Start-up RSC Adv. 逯广颂(),马云倩,臧立华,于斐,薛嵘 SCI(理),SCI论文 2021
204 Source Apportionment of Regional Ozone Pollution Observed at Mount Tai, North China: Application of Lagrangian Photochemical Trajectory Model and Implications for Control Policy Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 张英南(),薛丽坤(),李洪勇(),陈天舒(),牟江山(),董灿(),孙雷,Hengde Liu(),Yong Zhao(),Di Wu(),王新锋(),王文兴() SCI(理),SCI论文 2021
205 Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of PCB77 using Aptamer-Catalytic Hairpin Assembly in Water Environment RSC Advance 姬丹丹 SCI(理),SCI论文 2021
206 Antagonistic Effects of Delia antiqua (Diptera: Anthomyiidae)-Associated Bacteria Against Four Phytopathogens J Econ Entomol 刘梅(),赵晓燕,李贤贤(),吴晓青,周红姿,高云霄(),张新建,周方园 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2021
207 Single and Binary Adsorption Behaviour and Mechanisms of Cd2+, Cu2+ and Ni2+ onto Modified Biochar in Aqueous Solutions processes 郑立稳,高永超,杜建华(),张闻,黄玉杰,赵庆庆,段露淳(),刘艳菊(),Ravi Naidu(),潘响亮() SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2021
208 Nigirpexin E, a new azaphilone derivative with anti-tobacco mosaic virus activity from soil derived fungus Trichoderma afroharzianum LTR-2 JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS 谢雪迎,杨合同 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2021
209 Methane production from wheat straw pretreated with CaO2/cellulase ACS omega 李振敏(),张记市,孔春朵(),李文青(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2021
210 Fabrication of Magnetic Catalyst Fe3O4-SiO2-V3 and Its Application on Lignin Extraction from Corncob in Deep Eutectic Solvent polymers 袁茂楠(),王振 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2021
211 Mechanism of N,N-dimethylformamide electrochemical oxidation using a Ti/RuO2–IrO2 electrode RSC Advances 胡旭阳(),董浩(),张英昊(),房百惠(),蒋文强 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2021
212 Study on the Electrochemical Removal Mechanism of Oxytetracycline by a Ti / IrO2-Ta2O5 Plate International journal of environmental research and public health 张英昊(),蒋文强,董浩(),胡旭阳(),房百惠(),高光飞(),赵瑞() SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2021
213 Facile Fabrication of Calcium-Doped Carbon for Efficient Phosphorus Adsorption ACS omega 张记市,张亚杉(),赵文谦(),李振敏(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2021
214 Biohydrogen Production Amended with Nitrogen-Doped Biochar ENERGY & FUELS 张记市,杨梦琛(),赵文谦(),张君楚(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,III区(理) 2021
215 Salinity controls soil microbial community structure and function in coastal estuarine wetlands ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 张光亮(),白军红(),Christoph C. Tebbe(),赵庆庆,贾佳(),王伟(),王昕(),余璐() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
216 Biochemical mechanisms of rhizospheric Bacillus subtilis-facilitated phytoextraction by alfalfa under cadmium stress – Microbial diversity and metabolomics analyses Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 李琪 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
217 Spartina alterniflora invasions reduce soil fungal diversity and simplify co-occurrence networks in a salt marsh ecosystem SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Guangliang Zhang(),Junhong Bai(),Christoph C. Tebbe(),Laibin Huang(),Jia Jia(),Wei Wang(),Xin Wang(),Lu Yu(),赵庆庆 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
218 The effects of microplastics on the soil and earthworm Chemosphere Yali Cheng(),Wenhui Song(),Huimei Tian(),Kaihua Zhang(),Li Bing(),Zhongkun Du(),张闻,Jinhua Wang(),Jun Wang(),Lusheng Zhu() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
219 Ecotoxicological effects of different size ranges Science of the Total Environment 李冰(),Wenhui Song(),Yali Cheng(),Kaihua Zhang(),Huimei Tian(),Zhongkun Du(),Jinhua Wang(),Jun Wang(),张闻,Lusheng Zhu() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
220 Heavy metal contamination in soils from freshwater wetlands to salt marshes in the Yellow River Estuary, China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 赵庆庆,Junhong Bai(),高永超,Guangliang Zhang(),Qiongqiong Lu(),Jia Jia() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
221 First Report of Phytopythium helicoides Causing Stalk Rot on Corn in China PLANT DISEASE 谢雪迎,周红姿,范素素,张新建 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
222 CO2 adsorption performance and kinetics of ionic liquid-modified calcined magnesite nanomaterials 杨娜,薛嵘,黄贵博(),马云倩,王君雅() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
223 Roles of calcium-containing alkali materials on dark fermentation and anaerobic digestion: A systematic review International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 杨俊伟(),张俊杰,张君楚(),张记市,杨云军,臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
224 Manganese ferrite nanoparticles enhanced biohydrogen production from mesophilic and thermophilic dark fermentation Energy Reports 姬丹丹 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
225 Co/La modified Ti/PbO2 anodes for chloramphenicol degradation: Catalytic performance and reaction mechanism Chemosphere 董浩(),胡旭阳(),张英昊(),蒋文强,张旋 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
226 The effect of volatile fatty acids on the growth and lipid properties of two microalgae strains during batch heterotrophic cultivation Chemosphere 苏琨洋(),宋明明,于泽(),王晨,孙静,李雪(),刘娜(),牟乙文(),卢天翔() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
227 The effect of volatile fatty acids on the growth and lipid properties of two microalgae strains during batch heterotrophic cultivation chemosphere 苏琨洋(),宋明明,于泽(),王晨,孙静,李雪(),刘娜(),牟乙文(),卢天翔() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
228 Calcium-doped carbon fabrication for improving bioH2 and bioCH4 production International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 杨俊伟(),张记市,李振敏(),张君楚(),赵蕾(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
229 Highly efficient and selectivity removal of heavy metal ions using single-layer NaxKyMnO2 nanosheet: A combination of experimental and theoretical study Chemosphere Ruichao Peng(),Hao Li(),Yongting Chen(),Feipeng Ren(),Fengyu Tian(),谷亚威,Honglei Zhang(),Xiurong Huang() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
230 Dosage and pH dependence of coagulation with polytitanium salts for the treatment of Microcystis aeruginosa-laden and Microcystis wesenbergii-laden surface water: The influence of basicity Journal of Water Process Engineering 田昌,赵艳侠() SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2021
231 Soil carbon storage and carbon sources under different Spartina alterniflora invasion periods in a salt marsh ecosystem CATENA Guangliang Zhang(),Junhong Bai(),赵庆庆,Jia Jia(),Xin Wang(),Wei Wang(),Xinyan Wang() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2021
232 Room-temperature synthesis of amino-functionalized magnetic covalent organic frameworks for efficient extraction of perfluoroalkyl acids in environmental water samples Journal of Hazardous Materials 卢元月(),王晓利,王磊磊,张闻,魏金建(),林金明(),赵汝松 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2021
233 Bacterial Inhibition on Beauveria bassiana Contributes to Microbiota Stability in Delia antiqua Frontiers in Microbiology 周方园,高云霄(),刘梅(),徐乐天(),吴晓青,赵晓燕,张新建 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2021
234 Paracoccus and Achromobacter bacteria contribute to rapid biodegradation of imidacloprid in soils Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 高云霄(),刘梅(),赵晓燕,张新建,周方园 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2021
235 Efficient saccharification of cellulose by a photo-assisted biocatalysis system industrial crops & products 赵蕾(),郭双祯,慈玉辉(),安亚静() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2021
236 Construction of nano-flower MIL-125(Mo)-In2Se3 Z-scheme heterojunctions by one-step solvothermal method for removal of tetracycline from wastewater in the synergy of adsorption and photocatalysis way Separation and Purification Technology 李祖钰(),马惠芳,臧立华,李炟,郭双祯,史玲珑() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2021
237 Cobalt ferrate nanoparticles improved dark fermentation for hydrogen evolution Journal of Cleaner Production 张记市,李文青(),杨俊伟(),李振敏(),张君楚(),赵文谦(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2021
238 Comparison of mesophilic and thermophilic dark fermentation with nickel ferrite nanoparticles supplementation for biohydrogen production Bioresource Technology 张记市,赵文谦(),杨俊伟(),李振敏(),张君楚(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2021
239 Microbiomes across root compartments are shaped by inoculation with a fungal biological control agent Applied SoilEcology Hongmei Li, Ruey Toha,, Yanli Wei, Yilian Wang, Jindong Hu, Shuhui An, Kai Yang, Yuanzheng Wu, Jishun Li*, Joshua Philp, Maarten Ryder, Yi Zhou**, Matthew D. Denton SCI(理),SCI论文,I区,4.406 2021
240 Soil organic carbon content and stock in wetlands with different hydrologic conditions in the Yellow River Delta, China Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 赵庆庆,白军红(),王昕(),张闻,黄玉杰,王磊磊,高永超 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2021
241 Self-assembled Viral Nanoparticles as Targeted Anticancer Vehicles Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 吴远征,李纪顺,Hyun-Jae Shin() SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2021
242 Biological Inoculant of Salt-Tolerant Bacteria for Plant Growth Stimulation under Different Saline Soil Conditions Journal of Microbiology and biotechnology 王茹(),王晨,冯庆 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2021
243 Effective magnetic separation of phosphate from natural water by a novel Desalination and Water Treatment 马源甫(),王晨,冯庆 SCI(理),SCI论文,VI区(理) 2021
244 Carbon footprint for wheat and maize production modulated by farm size: a study in the North China plain International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 侯连涛,姜春明 SCI(理),SSCI(文),SCI论文 2021
245 Chromosome doubling influences the morphological, physiological, biochemical and genetic traits related to essential oil biosynthesis of peppermint (Mentha piperita) under salinity stress Journal of Plant Research 赵忠娟,魏艳丽,李玲,刘宝军,杨凯,杨合同,李纪顺 SCI(理),VI区(理) 2021
246 Selective adsorption behavior of Cd2t imprinted acrylamide-crosslinked-poly(alginic acid) magnetic polymers: fabrication, characterization, adsorption performance and mechanism Water science and technology 李祖钰(),郭双祯,李炟,臧立华 SCI(理),VI区(理) 2021
247 Fractionation, source, and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in cropland soils across a 100-year reclamation chronosequence in an estuary, south China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Jia Jia(),Bai Junhong(),Xiao Rong(),Tian Shimin(),Wang Dawei(),Wang Wei(),Zhang Guangliang(),Cui Hao(),赵庆庆 SCI论文,II区(理),SCI(理) 2021
248 Ni-MOL/In2Se3 heterostructure construction with mixed metal (Ti/Ni) for efficient photocatalytic tetracycline degradation Chemosphere 李祖钰(),李炟,薛嵘,臧立华,马惠芳,郭双祯,史玲珑() SCI论文,II区(理),SCI(理) 2021
249 Adsorption-photocatalysis performance of Polyaniline/Dicarboxyl acid cellulose@Graphene Oxide for dye removal from aqueous solution International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 刘甜甜(),王振,刘玉,杨桂花 SCI论文,I区(理) 2021
250 Health impacts and spatiotemporal variations of fine particulate and its typical toxic constituents in five urban agglomerations of China Science of the Total Environment 朱传勇 SCI论文,SCI(理) 2021
251 Significant but Spatiotemporal-Heterogeneous Health Risks Caused by Airborne Exposure to Multiple Toxic Trace Elements in China Environmental Science & Technology 朱传勇 SCI论文,SCI(理) 2021
252 Degradation of chloramphenicol by Ti/PbO2–La anodes and alteration in bacterial community and antibiotics resistance genes Environmental Pollution 董浩(),付艳丽(),王鹏琦(),蒋文强,高光飞(),张旋 SCI(理),SCI论文,II区(理) 2022
253 Accelerated degradation of sulfadiazine by wet mechanochemical synthesized nano-pyrite FeS2 based Fenton system: Performance, mechanism and applicability Separation and Purification Technology 史晓国,马科(),谷亚威,张文秋(),孙静 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2022
254 Mechanical, electrical properties and microstructures of hot-pressed B4C-WB2 composites Ceramics International 马科(),史晓国,曹小舟(),李美栓() SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2022
255 Comparison of cobalt ferrate-based nanoparticles for promoting biomethane evolution from lactic acid anaerobic digestion Bioresource Technology 张惠雯(),李文青(),周琛(),张记市,裴勇(),臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2022
256 Metagenomics uncovers the effect of nitrogen-doped graphene on anammox consortia and microbial function Bioresource Technology 张宝永(),孙浩(),王娜(),孙艳(),臧立华,薛嵘 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2022
257 Comparison of copper and aluminum doped cobalt ferrate nanoparticles for improving biohydrogen production Bioresource Technology 李文青(),张记市,杨俊伟(),张君楚(),李振敏(),杨云军,臧立华 SCI(理),SCI论文,I区(理) 2022

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